The best laid plans of mice and freelance writers… have a way of dissolving, like so many words doodled in smoke on the vast, impenetrable sky of Real Life.
I do like a nice metaphor on a Tuesday afternoon, don’t you?
But seriously: things have been in-SANE around here. I got sucked into my website project early in the month, and then worked myself into a frenzy getting ready to attend South by Southwest (SXSW), the massive film-music-interactive festival that happens in Austin every year. Alas – two days after I arrived in Austin, I came down with a terrible case of strep throat.
Dizzy with pain and exhaustion, I holed up in my hotel room until it was time to go home, and if you were on the return flight to SFO with me? Bless you, my child, for I coughed vile germs into your air space the entire time. I am terribly sorry, but it simply could not be helped.
Now I’m back, and on the mend (though still a bit weak, truth be told), and I’m working on a couple of posts about the little bit of SXSW that I DID get to experience, and more besides.
Oh, and I’m getting closer to unveiling my BRAND NEW website. Can’t even express how excited I am to shove the old one off a steep cliff and start fresh.
Hope you are all well + enjoying this lovely spring.